Release Notes
End of support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
As we have been announcing since November 2018 in several documents (Installation Procedures and texts on the Web sites), as well as in the e-mails sent on September 3 and December 3, 2019, our software applications ended support of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 in November 2019.
For more information, consult our Knowledge Base article End of support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.
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We are pleased to provide you with the third version of Taxprep for Trusts 2020. This version covers taxation years ending between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2020, inclusive.
Note that client files have an extension reflecting the taxation year end of the trust: .319 for a taxation year ending in 2019 and .320 for a taxation year ending in 2020.
The rates applicable to the 2020 taxation year are those known as of June 10, 2020. Any changes resulting from subsequent federal, provincial and territorial announcements will be integrated into future updates of the program.
You can view the applicable rates by accessing the Table of Values Used in the Return found in the program (Jump Code: RATES FED-PROV).
Converting Preparer Profiles
Once your preparer profiles from last year are converted to the current year, it is important to verify that the options defined with respect to the returns of your clients and to the electronic filing of data (EFILE) still correspond to your situation for the current season.
For more information on rolling forward client files, please consult the Help.
Electronic Filing
Government requirements
At the federal level and in Québec, any filer filing more than 50 slips or RL slips of a same type must file the data electronically by Internet. Below that threshold, paper filing is accepted.
Taxprep for Trusts will generate a diagnostic prompting you to use EFILE as soon as you prepare more than 50 slips or RL slips.
Important dates for Internet transmission
The CRA has been accepting electronic transmissions of T3 and NR4 slips and T3 returns since January 6, 2020. Revenu Québec has been accepting transmission of RL-16 slips since November 5, 2019.
Opening and Rolling Forward Files
Client files with the .319 extension
Client files with the .319 extension that have been saved with Taxprep for Trusts Classic 2019 can be opened with Taxprep for Trusts 2020 without having been rolled forward first. When opening that file, a dialog box displays and asks you if you want to recalculate the file with the current version. By answering yes, you can simply continue working in the file. If you answer no, the data in the file will be locked. It can be unlocked at a later date using the Properties dialog box (File/Properties command).
Client files with the .318 extension
Client files with the .318 extension that have been saved with the 2018 or 2019 version of the program must be rolled forward by using the Roll Forward command in the File menu before you can access them from this version. Remember that in cases where client files were saved with the 2018 version, the roll forward is only possible if the taxation year in the source client file ends in 2018.
Taxprep for Trusts 2020 also allows you to open, without having been rolled forward first, a client file with the .318 extension. However, the file will only be read-only accessible. To open a client file with the .318 extension, access the Open dialog box (File/Open command), and select the directory where the client file has been saved using the Look in: drop-down list. Then, enter “*.*” in the “File name:” box and press Enter to display the list of client files. You can then select and open the client file you want to access.
Taxation year after roll forward
The taxation year after a roll forward cannot end after December 31, 2020. If needed, it will be shortened so as to correspond to the period covered by this version.
Attached notes
The attached notes are rolled forward, except if this option is cleared in the roll forward data options.
Rolling forward client files prepared with ProFile
Taxprep for Trusts 2020 allows for the roll forward of client files saved with version 2019.0 of ProFile (.18R extension).
Version 3.0 Content
Modifications and additions
T3, Trust Income Tax and Information Return (Jump Code: J) and TP-646, Trust Income Tax Return (Jump Code: Q)
The Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec announced a series of flexibility measures to help taxpayers in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Therefore:
- The deadline for filing the income tax returns of trusts (T3RET and TP-646) whose taxation year ends on December 31, 2019, was postponed to May 1, 2020;
The deadline for filing the income tax return of trusts (T3RET and TP-646) that would otherwise have a filing due date on March 31, in April or May 2020, is now June 1, 2020;
The deadline for filing the federal income tax return of trusts (T3RET) that would otherwise have a filing due date in June, July or August 2020, is now September 1, 2020;
The deadline for filing the Québec income tax return of a trust (TP-646) whose taxation year ended on a date that falls within the period from March 2 to May 31, 2020, is now September 1, 2020;
- The balances and instalments of trusts payable on or after Mars 18, 2020, and before September 1, 2020, will have to be paid no later than September 1, 2020;
- The balances and instalments of trusts (TP-646) payable on March 17, 2020, and before September 1, 2020, must be paid no later than September 1, 2020;
- The June 15, 2020, instalment payment date has been modified for September 1, 2020;
- The interest and late-filing penalty will apply to amounts payable after September 1, 2020.
As a result, the filing deadlines and balances owing for these returns have been modified in Forms Identification, LW, Interest, Instalments, QC Instalments and the Client Letter.
Note: Part XII.2 tax payable is not covered under the flexibility measures relating to COVID 19, which allow for the payments of balances owing to be postponed to September 1, 2020. Therefore, the amount of Part XII.2 tax payable indicated on line 83 of the T3 return must be paid no later than the filing deadline for the return.
Schedule 1, Disposition of Capital Property (Jump Code: 1)
The acquisition date format in column 1 has been changed from YY-MM to YYYY-MM in all sections of the form. As a result, if you completed the form with a prior version of the program, any year between “21” and “99” will be considered to be in the 20th century (between 1921 and 1999) and a year between “00” and “20” will be considered to be in the 21st century (between 2000 and 2020). We recommend that you review the acquisition dates before filing the form.
LM-15, Voluntary Disclosure (Jump Code: QLM-15)
As a result of an update, Form LM-15 underwent many changes. The form was for the most part redesigned, i.e. sections were renumbered, modified or deleted while others were added. For example, Section 3, Conditions for benefitting from the program, which is entirely new. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you review the entire form before submitting it.
Client letter, Worksheet (Jump Code: LW)
Trusts that reside in Hamilton and surrounding areas as well as Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas in Ontario should now be mailing their returns to the following address: Winnipeg Tax Centre, T3 Trust Returns Program, P.O. Box 14003, Station Main, Winnipeg MB R3C 0N8. If you doubt that the trust’s residence is located in the surrounding areas of one of these cities, mail the return to the Winnipeg Tax Centre. Note that a diagnostic prompting you to select a tax centre when the trust resides in Ontario was added to the LW form.
In addition, trusts that reside in Laval, Montréal and Sherbrooke and in surrounding areas of these three cities in Québec must now send their returns to the Winnipeg Tax Centre as well.
MR-69, Authorization to Communicate Information or Power of Attorney (Jump Code: Q69)
As a result of discussions with Revenu Québec, field 1b, Social Insurance Number (SIN), has been added to enter a deceased person’s social insurance number. Note that the SIN can only be used to complete Form MR-69 for a testamentary trust that has no account number. If this is the case, fields 2a, Last name and 2b, First name should be completed. Fields 1b, 2a and 2b are now updated from the deceased information in the Type of trust section of the Identification form.
Income and Deductions, Other Income and Deductions (Jump Code: OID)
In its June 16, 2019, Notice of Ways and Means Motion to amend the Income Tax Act the Department of Finance of Canada announced the addition of paragraph 110(1)(e), which permits a deduction for computing a taxpayer’s taxable income if certain conditions are met.
To that end, a line has been added to the Other deductions for computing taxable income (line 54) section of Form Income and Deductions (Jump Code: OID) to include the new deduction under paragraph 110(1)(e) ITA.
Rates Federal-Provincial, Table of Rates and Values Used in the Return (Jump Code: RATES FED-PROV)
In its March 19, 2020 Budget, the Government of Manitoba announced that the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) rate would be decreased from 7% to 6% and that this measure would be effective on July 1, 2020. To file forms that contain Manitoba PST calculations before July 1, 2020, enter 7% on the line Manitoba, in the Sales tax section of the form, using an override.
T3BC, British Columbia Tax (Jump Code: T3BC)
T3BCMJ, Provincial Tax (Multiple Jurisdictions) – British Columbia Tax (Jump Code: MJBC)
A 7th column has been added to the table in Forms T3BC and T3BCMJ, on screen only, to present the new $220,000 top tax bracket for the 2020 and subsequent taxation years.
Modifications Made to Version 2.1
The modifications made to version 2.1 correct this problem that was identified in version 2.0:
Version 2.0 Content
Modifications and additions
AUT-01, Authorize a Representative for Access by Phone and Mail (Jump Code: AUT01)
AUT-01X, Cancel Authorization for a Representative (Jump Code: AUT01X)
Significant changes have been made to the authorization process for representatives with the CRA. The CRA has not been accepting requests to authorize or cancel a representative using the T1013 or NR95 forms since February 10, 2020, as these forms were removed. They have been replaced by Form AUT-01, which allows you to communicate with the CRA by telephone or in writing, and Form AUT-01X, which allows you to cancel an authorization. If you completed an authorization or a cancellation request using one of the removed forms in a prior version of the program, only a portion of the information will be transferred to the new AUT-01 and AUT-01X forms. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you review the content of these forms before filing them.
In addition, in the AUTHORIZATION FORMS tab of the preparer profile, the NR95 – Authorizing or cancelling a representative for a non-resident tax account section has been deleted and the T1013 – Authorizing or cancelling a representative section has been renamed AUT-01 – Authorize a Representative for Access by Phone and Mail. The level of authorization drop-down list has been replaced by the Type of access check boxes. You must now choose between a representative that is an individual or a firm by selecting the check boxes provided for this purpose.
RC199, Voluntary Disclosures Program (VDP) Application (Jump Code: RC199)
At the time of the update of this form, Part E – For disclosures identifying shares of non-resident corporations (other than foreign affiliates) was removed from Section 6.
DONATIONS, Summary of Charitable Donations (Jump Code: DONATIONS)
We added a new option to indicate that the gift was made after the 36-month period but within 60 months after the date of death by a former GRE that continues to meet all of the requirements of a GRE except for the 36-month time limit.
T3BC, British Columbia Tax (Jump Code: T3BC)
T3BCMJ, Provincial Tax (Multiple Jurisdictions) - British Columbia Tax (Jump Code: MJ BC)
In its February 18, 2020 Budget, the Government of British Columbia announced the addition of a new top tax bracket for the 2020 and subsequent taxation years. Therefore, taxable income greater than $220,000 from Graduated Rate Estates (GRE) and Qualifying Disability Trusts (QDT) will be taxed at a rate of 20.5%. As for the tax rate for trusts other than GRE and QDT, it has been increased from 16.5% to 20.5%. In addition, the credit rate for donations over $200 has also been adjusted to 20.5%.
Version 1.0 Content
Modifications and additions
T1013, Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative (Jump Code: 1013)
NR95, Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative for a Non-Resident Tax Account (Jump Code: NR95)
Important changes to the CRA authorization process for representatives
Commencing in mid-February, the CRA will no longer accept requests to authorize or cancel a representative using the T1013 or NR95 forms as the CRA will eliminate these forms.
From that date on, the CRA will make available on its Web site the new combined Form AUT-01 that only grants off-line access. This new form will group three authorization forms, i.e. Forms T1013, RC59 and NR95. Therefore, if you want to file a hard copy of the combined Form AUT-01, you need to get the new printable version of the form from the CRA and complete it manually or wait for the next version of Taxprep for Trusts. Note that this new printable version of Form AUT-01 can only be used to ask for off-line access that will grant the right to contact the CRA by phone, mail or in person. No online access can be granted through this printable version.
T3 slip, Statement of Trust Income Allocations and Designations (Jump Code: T3S)
Before 2018, the tax on split income (TOSI) only applied to individuals under the age of 18. Under the new rules that came into effect in 2018, the tax on split income now applies to individuals age 18 or older.
In general terms, these rules can apply to dividends, interest or capital gains received either directly or indirectly through a partnership or a trust (other than a mutual fund trust). The rules may vary depending on whether the individual is under the age of 18, between 18 and 24 or more than 24. For more information on this topic, consult the Help of the T3 slip.
Although the CRA has not added any boxes to the T3 slip to indicate income subject to the tax on split income, custom boxes have been added to enter the income split amount when preparing slips. If you use the Print Slips (Ctrl + L) command, this information is printed in the “Footnotes – Notes” box.
Schedule 8, Investment Income, Carrying Charges, and Gross-up Amount of Dividends Retained by the Trust (Jump Code: 8)
Schedule 11, Federal Income Tax (Jump Code: 11)
T3MB, Manitoba Tax (Jump Code: T3MB)
T3NB, New-Brunswick Tax (Jump Code: T3NB)
T3NL, Newfoundland and Labrador Tax (Jump Code: T3NL)
T3NT, Northwest Territories Tax (Jump Code: T3NT)
T3ON, Ontario Tax (Jump Code: T3ON)
T3YT, Yukon Tax (Jump Code: T3YT)
Following our recent communications with the CRA, the gross-up rate for dividends other than eligible dividends will now be based on the taxation year-end date instead of the date on which the dividend was received. As a result, for a trust whose fiscal year end is in 2019, the gross-up rate for dividend used will be 15%, even if the dividend was received in 2018.
T776, Capital Cost Allowance (Jump Code: 776 CCA)
T2042, Capital Cost Allowance (Jump Code: 2042 CCA)
T2125, Capital Cost Allowance (Jump Code: 2125 CCA)
The amount on line Additional CCA of 30% calculated on acquisitions of the current fiscal year claimable in the next fiscal year in the “Classes 14, 14.1, 43.1, 43.2, 44, 50 and 53 only” section of the following forms is now calculated:
- T776 Area A, CCA Other than classes 10.1 and 13;
- T2042 Area A, CCA Other than Classes 10.1 and 13; and
- T2125 Area A, CCA Other than Classes 10.1 and 13.
RL-16 slip, Trust income (Jump Code: QR16)
The amount on lines A-2, A-3, A-4, E-1, F-1, G-1, G-3 and H-3 is now calculated. When opening a client file prepared with a prior version of Taxprep for Trusts, if an amount had been entered on any of these lines, it will be retained as an override.
In addition, boxes C11, Actual amount of eligible dividends – after 2017 and before March 28, 2018, C12, Actual amount of eligible dividends after March 27, 2018 and before 2019, C21, Actual amount of ordinary dividends – after 2017 and before March 28, 2018, and C22, Actual amount of ordinary dividends – after March 27, 2018 and before 2019, have been deleted. Boxes K-1, Split income – Foreign income tax on business income, and L-1, Split income – Foreign income tax on non-business income have been added.
Schedule B, Investment Income, Gross-Up of Dividends Not Designated and Adjustment of Investment Expenses (Jump Code: QB)
Line 327c, Portion of the amount on line 326 that corresponds to the gross-up of dividends received or deemed received in 2019, multiplied by the applicable rate for each column, has been added to Section 2, “Amount of the gross-up of dividends not designated and dividend tax credit” of this form.
TP-646.F-V, Schedule F – Income Tax payable by a Specified Trust for a Specified Immovable (Jump Code: QF)
Columns 3.1, 5.1 and 5.2 have been added to the Capital cost allowance table to calculate the capital cost allowance for accelerated investment incentive property (AIIP) acquired after November 20, 2018, and which became available for use during the tax year. For more information, consult the Help of the form.
TP-128.F-V, Income Earned by a Trust from the Rental of Immovable Property (Jump Code: Q128F)
Columns 3.1, 5.1 and 5.2 have been added to the Capital cost allowance table to calculate the capital cost allowance for accelerated investment incentive property (AIIP) acquired after November 20, 2018, and which became available for use during the tax year. For more information, consult the Help of the form.
TP-768.1, Recovery Tax – Qualified Disability Trust (Jump Code: Q768.1)
Schedule H has been replaced with Form TP 768.1. The calculation performed on this form for the recovery tax of a qualified disability trust is the same as the calculation that was performed on Schedule H.
TP-772, Foreign Tax Credit (Jump Code: Q772)
At the time of the update of this form, lines 30.1, 50.1, 60.1 and 80.1 have been added to enter the portion of the amounts on lines 30, 50, 60 and 80, respectively, attributable to foreign income tax paid on split non-business income. Line 91, Enter the amount from line 75 of form TP-766.3.4-V if you entered an amount on line 30.1 or 60.1 of this form, had also been add to the form.
MR-69, Authorization to Communicate Information or Power of Attorney (Jump Code: Q69)
As per Revenu Québec requirements, the 2D bar code is no longer generated when some minimal validations are not met. The corresponding diagnostics have been reclassified in the “Bar code” group. A diagnostic has also been added to advise the preparer that the bar code will not be generated when printing the form as long as the adjustments are not made. Please note that the absence of a 2D bar code may cause processing delays from Revenu Québec.
Technical Information
Technical Changes
We are proud to present the many technical changes to the enhanced version of Taxprep for Trusts. We are convinced that you will be pleased with these changes.
Enhancements to the user interface
The following enhancements have been made to the interface to refine the display of the many Taxprep for Trusts views:
- A single toolbar: The Standard and Advanced toolbars have been merged into a single toolbar that is always displayed which content adjusts according to the view selected. This new toolbar also provides new buttons with a more intuitive design.
- Access to the views: The shortcut bar that was available on the left side of the main screen of Taxprep for Trusts was replaced by the
button. When you click this button, a menu displays to allows you to select the desired view.
- Zoom: The tool allowing you to resize the form is now available in the right corner of the status bar.
To know how to use this tool, consult the page Customize Form Display.
The selected zoom factor will apply only to the forms. The Xpress tool and the diagnostics pane possess options allowing you to apply a zoom factor different from the one set for the display of forms. - AutoText: To facilitate the entry of data, which is sometimes repetitive, a list of AutoText suggestions in alphabetical order now displays from an alphanumeric field for which such list exists. Start entering an alphanumerical value and, when a list displays, click the value that you want to insert in the cell.
Standardized presentation of information in the views
In addition to the Client Manager, Form Manager, EFILE Log view and EFILE Archives view, the following views are also presented in tables:
- Print Formats view
- Preparer Profiles view
- Filters and Diagnostics view
- Letters and Labels view
- Rate Tables view
- Advanced Network view (available with the Advance Network version)
Therefore, the functionalities available in these views to display, order and filter the information are identical. The following enhancements have been made to certain of the functionalities:
- the search is performed from the search box or by using the Ctrl+F shortcut. For more information on this topic, consult the page Search Through Views.
- the grouping area located at the top of the view is no longer displayed at all times. To group the content of a view according to a column, click the Group
button, and drag the column header to the grouping area displayed. To ungroup , click the Ungroup
- the
filters available on the column headers now provide more criteria to allow you to quickly find the information you are searching for. As a result, in the Values tab, you can enter the text you are searching for in the list to find the one that you want to use as a search criterion. A second tab is also available to allow you to use advanced filter functions. For more information, consult the page Filter Based on the Content of One Column.
As mentioned above, the Print Formats, Letters and Labels and Filters and Diagnostics views are now presented in tables. In addition to taking advantage of the functionalities listed above, this new way of presenting information provides you with a way to order templates per template types, i.e. predefined or customized. As a result, the customized templates are displayed first in the view as they are the most frequently used templates.
Letter Editor: more editing tools available
The following have been enhanced in the Letter Editor used to define the content of letter templates. It also allows you to format and layout the letter.
- Tables: You can now add one or more tables in a letter template to display data on lines and in columns. For more information on tables, consult the page Add or delete a table.
- Review comments: You can now add comments to a letter template to enter any information, suggestion or question to be communicated to your colleagues responsible for updating or reviewing the letter template. For more information on review comments, consult the page Add, edit or delete comments.
- Formatting tools: For more information on the many tools provided in the Letter Editor consult the page About the Letter Editor.
Xpress and Diagnostics pane: easier-to-use tools
You can now float the Xpress tool panel or the diagnostics pane to move it. It can be moved to another screen to facilitate data entry in the main screen. To do so, in the toolbar, click the Xpress button or the Diagnostics
button, then click Float and move the panel to the other screen. Consult the video for a demonstration of the floating pane.
Options to resize the text, the zoom in and the zoom out
have been added to the Xpress tool and the diagnostics pane. For more information on these options, consult the pages Customize the Xpress List Display and Customize Diagnostics Display.
In addition, as it is now possible to float the Xpress tool panel, the Browse toolbar has been removed from the Display/Toolbar menu.
Changes relating to diagnostics
As the information in the diagnostics pane is presented in a table, a grouping area located in the top portion of the pane, where you can group the content of the pane according to a column, is also available. To group content in the diagnostics pane according to a column (for example, the Type), click the Group button, then drag the column header to the displayed grouping area.
Diagnostics are ordered by group and each group is presented in a separate table. The name of the group as well as the number of diagnostics are indicated on tabs:
- The Take Action tab displays the diagnostics issued by Taxprep for Trusts on which no action has yet been taken.
- The Reviewed tab displays the diagnostics that were reviewed during a first
or second
- The Ignored tab displays the diagnostics that were ignored during a first
or second
Precisions relating to diagnostics
- An annotated diagnostic with the
indicators which is resolved remains in the Reviewed tab; however, the colour of the indicators displayed in the Annotation column is modified (
- The diagnostic indicator for a tax cell
is no longer displayed when the diagnostics issued for that cell are annotated and no other diagnostic applies to this cell. Therefore, the diagnostic(s) display before the return is printed.
Help tools: easier to access
online help centre
Taxprep for Trusts provides you with an online Help Centre containing tax and technical information pages that will answer your various questions and will help you efficiently use Taxprep for Trusts. When you consult the Help, the relevant help topic will display in your computer's default Web browser.
You can use the search box located in the top right corner of the page at any time to obtain information on a specific topic.
In addition to providing regularly updated tax and technical information, the Help Centre contains support information (such as troubleshooting memos and frequently asked questions) and provides useful links to the CRA and Revenu Québec Web sites and certain help centres of software programs integrated with Taxprep for Trusts.
Professional centre
The Professional Centre now displays in your computer's default Web browser. This allows you to consult the Professional Centre in another screen while continuing to work in Taxprep for Trusts. Make sure that you enter your CCH services username and password in the options and settings of Taxprep for Trusts to take advantage of the services available in the Professional Centre.
Folder location
The location of certain folders related to Taxprep for Trusts that were in the CCH folder is now in the Wolters Kluwer folder. As a result, during installation, Taxprep for Trusts will prompt you for a different location for the following:
- the Taxprep for Trusts installation folder,
- the database and the transmission files,
- the templates, and
the data exported of Taxprep slips.
Enhancements to the Advanced Network view (available in the Advanced Network version)
Like the Client Manager, the Form Manager and the various templates views, the Advanced Network view is now presented in a table. You can take advantage of the different functionalities available in those views to customize the display according to your requirements and perform searches.
The Advanced Network view is split into two portions that allow you to view, add, delete and define properties for the users and groups:
- The upper portion relates to user groups.
- The lower portion relates to users: by selecting a group in the upper portion of the view, the users associated with this group are displayed in this location.
For more information related to the Advanced Network version, consult the About the Advanced Network View topic.
Advanced settings
Modification to the Taxprep Development Toolkit
The guide Taxprep Development Toolkit Instructions and Excel file Taxprep Forms Development Toolkit Demo are only available in the online Help Centre.
Certain changes were made to the Taxprep development toolkit. It is important to read the Taxprep Development Toolkit Instructions topic and modify the properties and features in your applications in order for them to operate correctly. Here is an overview of the main changes.
Differences between Taxprep for Trusts Classic 2019 and Taxprep for Trusts 2020 (enhanced version):
- ITaxprepLicenceManager from the classic version becomes ITaxprepLicenseManager in the enhanced version;
- ITaxprepCell.Value from the classic version becomes ITaxprepCell.GetValue() and ITaxprepCell.SetValue() in the enhanced version;
- modifications were made to all <Enum> in the enhanced version;
- the ProgID now follow the following naming structure: Product.Type.Version (for example, TaxprepCom2019.Taxprep2019T3Return from the classic version becomes TaxprepT3.Return.2020 in the enhanced version).
A section was also added to the help topic, in which is provided an explanation on how to use the Taxprep development toolkit from a .NET application.
Silent Installation
You can now install Taxprep for Trusts silently using the Windows command prompt. For more information on the silent installation, consult the page Silent Installation.
Excel Add-in for Taxprep
A new version of the Excel Add-in for Taxprep is available. This new version is required to use the Excel Add-in for Taxprep with the enhanced version of Taxprep for Trusts.
The installation of this new version requires that you uninstall the old version of the Excel Add-in for Taxprep. Uninstall is supported by the new Excel Add-in for Taxprep installation wizard.
For more information with regards to the Excel Add-in for Taxprep, consult the Excel Add-in for Taxprep topic.
Software integrations
other integrations
- Integration with the CCH Accountants' Suite: Integrations with the CCH Document On-Premise and CCH Portal programs are available with Taxprep for Trusts.
Modifications in the options and settings
The Apply button has been removed from the Options and settings dialog box. You must now make your modifications in the different panels and click the OK button.
Changes to the location of mandatory information on Québec forms
In accordance with Revenu Québec requirements, certain mandatory information to identify the entity (taxpayer, corporation or trust) will now print at the bottom of each Revenu Québec form.
Where to Find Help
If you have any questions regarding the installation or use of the program, there are several options for getting help. Access the Professional Centre or the Knowledge Base for tips and useful information on how to use the program. If you are in the program and need help, press F1 to get help on a specific topic.
Taxprep e-Bulletin
For your convenience, you are automatically subscribed to the Taxprep e-Bulletin, a free e-mail service that ensures you receive up-to-date information about the latest version of Taxprep for Trusts. If you want to review your subscription to Taxprep e-Bulletin, visit and, in the Existing Taxprep Customers section, click Support. In the Newsletter tab, select Newsletter Manager.
You can also send an e mail to to indicate the products for which you want to receive general information or information on our CCH software (Personal Taxprep, Corporate Taxprep, Taxprep for Trusts, Taxprep Forms or CCH Accountants’ Suite).
How to Reach Us
Customer Service:
Tax and Technical support: